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SECSNMMI Newsletter Articles

Recent Articles from the SECSNMMI Newsletter
SECSNMMI Newsletter Archive

  • HPRA: State TAG Issues

    California: In 2017, a bill in California was seeing movement that would have allowed students being trained in the profession of nuclear medicine be paid minimum wage by their clinical sites was defeated.  If it had not been defeated, these sites would have been less likely to support the state’s […]

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  • SECSNMMI-TS Call for Officer Nominations Coming Soon

    Submitted by Leesa A. Ross, MA, CNMT, PET, RT(N)(CT), Chair, SEC-TS Nominating Committee         Giving back to the profession and taking an active role in promoting nuclear medicine should be everyone’s responsibility and desire.  It shows a commitment to quality in all that one does as a professional–an […]

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  • Report from the NMTCB Chair

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many volunteers and certificants who give their time to assist the Board by participating in our surveys or volunteering as a subject matter experts and item writers.  The Board has seen many volunteers from the Southeastern Chapter over the years […]

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