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The SNMMI has launched a new lapsed member initiative and the Southeastern Chapter is taking part. We will be reaching out to lapsed members to find out why they have not continued their membership, and if they would be willing to join again. So if you know any technologists who aren’t members, now is the time to invite them to join!

As president of the Southeastern Chapter I am planning on starting a “Ride and Room” sharing program. It is an attempt to entice current and prospective members to come to the SEC and national meetings. We understand that the costs can be prohibitive, and are looking for ways to help curtail those expenses. We will be developing a link on the website where you will be able to look for people who want to share rides to the meetings and/or rooms once they are there. I have actually benefitted from other members giving me names of people in the past and have shared, and still do share, expenses at most meetings. I really hope this can help people not only make it to meetings, but also develop new networking relationships as well.

If you know of states in our chapter that do not have a current state licensure and need help putting legislation together, please contact your state TAG representative, or myself. The SNMMI-TS has a committee putting all the information together to help protect the integrity of the nuclear medicine community when applying for state licensure. We must stand together and work together to prevent the erosion of our scope of practice!

My “door” is always open…please feel free to contact me with any suggestions, questions, or concerns…nucmedchick@yahoo.com

Dori Browning
President, SECSNMMI-TS